Saturday, September 24, 2005

JeeDubDub - sounds delightful.

This is the word a NEW search engine optimization competition wants us all to stick to number one on Google.

So there.


I wonder if capitalization will count...

Anyhow look out for more. This Blog is about to change titles, me thinks...

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Webdreams Indexed at LAST hahah

Ok so the Unofficial Webdreams site has been Googled at last!

So the thing is off. Now is time to update the sucker and stun the little bots into pricking up their tin ears...

Playing with Thumbshots again, and it seems that MSN and Yahoo are a lot faster to index than Google. Is it the size of their database, or just another factor?

Any how I made a pretty thing: checking webdreams on thumbshots gave me a silly but pretty thing when I entered both MSN and MSN in the two entry fields. Silly, silly.

Tomorrow then.

Monday, September 19, 2005

I was wrong about indexation! Dammit!

What I thought I had learned about getting indexed - even on a heavily visited page like, was wrong!

When I joined the pointenslutten SEO contest it was for the purpose of self-education as well as trying to gain a little glory in showing off for potential clients.

In that case I had my pointenslutten page on iSN News indexed within a day and a half... but The PointenSlutten Blog took forever (a week, ten days? Something like that).

My assumption was that it was a Blogger blog with a blogspot address - and that for some reason of equanimity or self-oversight (oversite?) Google didn't index itself as readily as someone else...

So now we have a Webdreams subdomain that is actually a page on off of that still has not been Googled. Quite annoying as it has been about a week and I'm just waiting for traffic from type-in searches on Google.

Yahoo? No problem. MSN? Ditto, in fact we're #1 or at least on page one. But Google? Doesn't even see the url, yet, you know the kind without the description and a proper title tag illustrating in the listing.

Webdreams, by the way, is a tv series (a "docu-soap" in the words of production company Galafilm) based on the day-to-day lives and loves and ambitions of several adult internet entrepreneurs.

These include Dugmor! of and his protege Malezia, Katrina, independant starlet and hostess of last year, Cold Stud Dave Angelo and his webmistress/photographer girlfriend Manon, as well as the chat hostesses and studio manager of LiveCamNetwork.

The problem may be that initially the unofficial Webdreams "site" was actually a page on that got indexed furiously - by MSN and Yahoo's Inktomi. Now, perhaps the duplicate page is being ignored because it is a duplicate page...

SO anyhow have added a Webdreams Blog to the site, and done as I did with iSN NewsBlog, which is namely to cut and paste the blogspot index page of this blog into its own html page on the iSN News site. That's worked out real fine...

So we'll see. Will keep anyone who reads this posted :)