Monday, October 03, 2005

JeeDubDubbed Over Google

Ok, it's the same as last time with pointenslutten, Google seems to ignore blogger sites for a while, taking in for example the JeeDubDub page at iSN News before ever touching the JeeDubDub Blog - it's not even in a JeeDubDub BlogSearch yet!

Checking the results of Thumbshots of JeeDubDub and Google vs MSN is most satisfying, as the page is pretty much ranked higher than I'd expected it to be, though I'll have to check winning dates and so forth before I get too excited.

Weirdly enough, Yahoo (Inktomi) has indexed and listed the index page, as well as a link page for surfers that contains a JeeDubDub link, but not the JeeDubDub page itself.

That could be because the JeeDubDub page was originally indexed as the PointenSlutten SEO page, and Inktomi indexes different parts of sites at different times, hop-skipping the ones it did last time...

Anyhow off to JeeDubDub the closeing date and hope to hit #1...

If you need to check JeeDubDub on Google between posts to this Blog, click there...


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