Progress... progress... PointenSlutten progress...
Pointenslutten pages are rising and falling on Google but sticking about the same spot. AOUCH - this page, which was # 1 on Yahoo for a while is down to 37 on the directory... but I didn't get around to reading the articles lately about how folk aren't entirely delirous about the new thing that engine has... I don't know, like I said, I didn't read.
But This page is number 8 on Google, while the iSN index and Pointenslutten page are 9 and 10. That's comforting.
I'd like to go on about SEO basics but I'll have to leave that to a single entry or concentrated lessons. Like right now I'm tired, and just experimenting with link strategies...
See, there's this link to ThumbShots Rankings which I created (it's a generated page on a Search Engine results comparison program, but I made it a link by posting it as such on a general link dump (which is the one that happened to be the most highly indexed as a result of the SEO contest).
Any how I then when to a Sex Search Engine - and I forget which one because I closed the damn browser - where I created a link to that link - ya see? So that's a test to look out for...
The link to the thumbshots page is on this page.
Maybe when they get indexed it'll push my page up a little higher, and show where the other dang link is...
But This page is number 8 on Google, while the iSN index and Pointenslutten page are 9 and 10. That's comforting.
I'd like to go on about SEO basics but I'll have to leave that to a single entry or concentrated lessons. Like right now I'm tired, and just experimenting with link strategies...
See, there's this link to ThumbShots Rankings which I created (it's a generated page on a Search Engine results comparison program, but I made it a link by posting it as such on a general link dump (which is the one that happened to be the most highly indexed as a result of the SEO contest).
Any how I then when to a Sex Search Engine - and I forget which one because I closed the damn browser - where I created a link to that link - ya see? So that's a test to look out for...
The link to the thumbshots page is on this page.
Maybe when they get indexed it'll push my page up a little higher, and show where the other dang link is...