Sunday, July 17, 2005

Very Cool PointenSlutten Ranking Page?

Here's an interesting development. Though Google has still not indexed or ranked my The PointenSlutten Blog (this blog, that is), Yahoo indexes .blogspots (blogs created on in a jiffy. Which is weird considering that Google and Blogger are one.

Now, in this blog I linked to a darn cool tool called Thumbshots which runs a comparison of the first hundred links generated by a keyword/phrase in two separate search engines and compares them, drawing lines between overlaps and showing position and so on...

So now iSN News and the iSN PointSlutten SEO Contest page are three separate links on a page which Yahoo considers a page and presents as a high-ranking result for the keyword of the contest - this is as of yesterday's SE shuffle.

Now, will Google index that link on Yahoo or here (eventually) and see three distinct links on a PR6 page and decide to rank those three links (which are also highlighted as this was my search parameter) higher than high, maybe even at #1?

I guess we'll see tonight after 9 or 10 pm...


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